My mom had a full breast removal 2 days ago. Also lymthnodes removed under arm. all came back cancerous. they say chemotherapy and maybe radiation is needed. will this help her live longer or will it not? or what other options does she have? will it go to her other breast or not? will this cancer be a chance that me and my sister will inherrate from her(MOM)? i'm 34 years old should i get a mamogram soon? what are the symptoms of breast cancer? like tender breast or anything or just a lump. my mom never felt the lump she just woke up in the middle of the night holding her breast lump. a special angle was watching over her. i hope i get that same god watching over me. I'm really scared of losing my mom so soon. with chemotherapy treatments is that daily / can a person drive after theropy or not. what about radiation treatments what effects does that have on a person?