I too have a confirmed diagnosis of Endometriosis, unfortunately after years of different hormone therapies and everything else I had a total hysterectomy. The adhesions were so bad they tore my bladder in the process. I've had several adhesion releases since that time. I continued to have pelvic pain. Finally a Doctor recommended that I go to a urologist and Bingo, I have Interstial Cystitis. A very painful, disabling bladder disease. My bladder is always swollen and I have to urinate at least 20-30 going upwards at times to 50 anmd 60 times a day to include getting up at night. They have a Drug for it called Elmiron. Unfortunatly, I am unable to take it and continuously go for bladder treatments. I have suffered extreme pelvic pain to include in the joints and fibromayalgia for years now. However, I still can enjoy life. You have to take things one hour, one day, yes even one moment- at a time. I do take medications for pain. It took alot of trial and error to find one that didn't knock me out or make me "high". Every thing is really trial and error. Keep your mind open! God bless, Colleen