My husband has been suffering with PMR since 10/99. For four months he saw specialists in Neurology, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Allergy, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine etc. Finally after being misdiagnoised with everything from serium sickness (resulting from a flu shot in October) to possibly picking up Dengue Fever after a trip to Florida in January 1999 he was diagnosed with PMR. Including the misdiagnoses period, he has been on Prednisone for seven months. His dose started at 60mg. His dosage dropped on a continuing basis. At 10mg the pains returned with a vengeance. He was put back on 15mg for three weeks. Last week he alternated days, 15mg - 12 1/2mg. He knew the 12 1/2mg days. We have read that PMR can last 6 months to two years. Has anyone out there been suffering for a longer period of time? Any helpful hints would be welcome. Thank you.