I had several surgeries on my legs the last two years, and while I was re-cooping-I would get the worst "flashes" of heat....I just contributed it to lots of medication, etc. I was only 39. When I went in for my yearly pap-the doc did a blood test (fsh). It can determine WHERE you are...the beginning of "the change", middle-or completely ZIP--over it. I was floored to find that I was COMPLETLY POST menopause with literally NO SYMTHOMS. Do go to your doc and have this blood test done. If you do suspect that you are becoming menopausal-you need to get on to calcium supplements, etc. immediatly to help prevent osteoporosis, which can occur due to the loss of hormones, etc. Anyway-I was 39 and didn't have a clue!!!The blood test I had pretty well determined that I had actually been POST menopausal for over a year...I hadn't expirenced any periods for two years before. Good luck.