I want you to know that I had been on birth control pills since I was 16 because of irregular monthly periods. When I was 21 I decided to go off the pill in order to get pregnant, it worked the first time. I went back on birth control pills after my daughter was born. After 6 months of being on birth control pills, I noticed the weight from being pregnant wasn't coming off very easy so I went off the pill (I was taking Ortho Novvum777). I was irregular again. A few months later I was pregnant. we were using condoms as an alternate form of birth control and had decided that we would like to try to have another child. I went on Aleese after that since weight gain wasn't a side effect. Finally my blood pressure started rising and I had to discontuine the pills. I have been off of them for almost a year and have only had four cycles. This last stretch lasting three months and still nothing. I have had a Laporoscopy, to see if they can find anything and they say everything looks good from the outside, they didn't go into the uterus. When I am on birth control pills then I am regular when I am not, then I am not. Being on birth control didn't effect my ability to have children at all.