Jean Logan
I have just been through chemo and and 8 week dose of Rituxan. My lymphoma is completely gone. There have been many great strides in Lymphoma, so don't feel so hopeless. First, you need to find out exactly what type of "Lymphoma" you have. Mine was non-Hogkins, diffused B & T cell. There are different treatments for each type -- whether Hogkins or non-Hogkins; whether B or T or B&T cells, etc. Rituxan is still a semi-trial drug, but found to be excellent in ridding the body of B cell lymphoma. So, talk to your doctor; go to him with all your questions and worries written down. You will be amazed how much better you will feel knowing what in the world is going on in your body. The bad thing about the type I have is it is never completely cured -- only in remission and subject to returning in a couple of years. BUT, the Rituxan has shown to be a deterrent in it returning so soon in many cases. I hope so in mine. So God bless, and hope things go well.