I have just been diagnoised as having a pre-invasive malignacy termed apocrine ductal carcinoma in situ. the only option I was presented with was mastecomy and reconstruction to prevent the development of invasive malignancy in the future. I havce also been told there is no alternative treatment! My reading from web sites suggest that it is unknown when or if the DCIS will turn invasive and I see no point in having radical surgery when they appears to know so little about timing - it seems to me a much better approach to have regular check ups, look at alternative therapies and nutritional change to support the immune system. As I have other health problems at the present time I have refused mastecomy, want to have a second opion from some-one who will give me more information and suggestion of a radiation oncologist sounds good. Good luck - I have to be very stroong and determined to avoid the pressure for a mastecomy. I think it is barbaric in the 21century and as it not invasive I am prepared to take the risk until I am give significnatly more conclusive evidence of cancer. it very helpful to hear the views of others Barbara