I have had two warts removed form the bottom of my foot. The first one was cut off and then carturized to kll any seed or roots lef behind. it has never returned. The second wart i had removed the same way. it was a little more stubborn. it returned again. they removed that by putting an acid on it a few times a week. After several weeks it was gone, and never returned. The Doctor told me you can do the same thing with the stuff you buy over the counter. It is not as strong as what they use, however if you are persistent with it, it will work.Dr. Schools has a type of this acid available.These warts are painful, and there is no sense in you living with that discomfort when something can be done about it.I would suggest seeing another foot doctor, or trying the over the counter stuff first, it that fails see a foot doctor or a Dermatologist. These warts can be permanently removed. it just takes a little time and perisitance. Hope this helps you. I wish you luck with the removal of this nuscience.