Please get immedicate treatment for your husband! Find a good Pain Management Anestesiolgist (sp) so that he can get treatment. RSD is a puzzeling disease and you have a window of oppertunity to stop the effects and possibly put this monster into remissioon of 3 months. Please feel free to email me, I have lower body RSD for 4 years. Mine also was a work injury and my carrier refused care for 11 months by which time I was well into it. I now have a spinal cord stimulator which for me was a God send. Everybody reacts differently to treatments so it may take several combinations of meds and treatments to find what works for him. If you let me know where you live I can help you find a physician that KNOWS RSD, not many do, therefore their patients go untreated until it is too late. God Bless and I will be wishing him care and painfree days ahead.