I was diagnosed with RSD last year as the result of a motercycle accident on 3-5-00 my docter was giving me nerve blocks in my right ankle that was the location of the injury. I seemed to slowly improve, I stress slowly. I could not notice much improvement.My doc was giving me strong pain meds to help me keep using the injured area the nerv blocks only helped 1 to 3 days. with them and the pain meds I still had lots of pain and depression with lots of swelling .I could not go to work because it is against company policy to work on any pain meds that help.My doc left town suddenly due to illnes in his family.this was fall of 2000.I went to see a ankle specalist, he did not know much about RSD. The first thing he did was put me in a cast for 2 weeks then a brace. I took lots of vicoden and did lots of therapy I tried to go back to work by not taking the meds till I got home. every day when I got finished work my ankle felt like it was broke.I am off on medical leave now and I think my 9 months at the specialist did more harm than good I am back on oxycontin from my new RSD doctor. I need to stop using the brace but the pain is to much. I been using brace so long I hive to use percocet for breakthrough pain. I use aqua therapy 3 times or more a week. I think without the therapy I would not be able to use my foot. My new doc wants to put a tunnel epidural catheder in my spine next month that put meds right into the damaged nerve. I hope it works. I pray for help. RSD is hell on the whole my depression is as bad as the foot. My wife and son are very kind and helpful but the family suffers alot I cant explain it to myself neither can most doctors.I think of them as gifts from god.My advice is to call Cleveland clinic. Good luck.