Kathy Draper
Any time damage is done to a nerve RSD can occur, that is why the slighest injury can cause it. Find a doctor in your area that is knowageable on the subject, ex. neurologist, orthopedic(some), and some podiatrist. Yes, it is a life long disease, that causes extreme BURNING pain, very susceptible to temperature changes, everyone reacts differently to different things. Most of the medicines used to treat the disease start out with mild pain relievers, ex. aspirin, asp./codiene, then can go into the maracotic area. If trreated early enough it can be put into remission. Treatments include, nerve blocks, pt(if tolerated), medicine changes, and can progresss into surgical treatments. The best thing is to find the right doctor and ask as many questions as you can and tell the doctor what is happening, as little as it may seem, any change could mean a different plan of treatment. Good Luck and God Bless. Tell your husband to try and hang in there, as hard as it is, take one day at a time.