I got to this website trying to run down more information on ANGIOPRIM. I too, suspect blatant, snake oil Quackery. Sadly you, a mere non-MD mortal, are the first to suggest the emperor wears no clothes. (Please accept my admiration and invitation to join my "Geezer Board",on a soon to be launched Geezer Website.) Angioprim's so-called "miracle ingredient", Caysine, is supposed to be an FDA approved,synthetic amino acid,food preservative. I've searched for Caysine in FDA preservative listings, on synthetic amino acid lists and can't find any information . Nada... An "Angioprim" web search brings up TONS of healthy sounding Pseudo websites, all parroting Angioprim's praise and offering to sell you some. Alas... I asked my Pharmacist,"What do we do about arteriosclerosis?!!" as I noted my readings on the Electronic Blood Pressure machine readout near his prescription desk. He glanced up and said,"Tetracycline". I thought he was nuts..... but, God bless him, he started my research into the infectious etiology of disease;heart,cancer,mental,etc. I recommend searching Dr.Paul Ewald . I have a son with bipolar I, currently on a manic phase, and I think his problem may have come from the Litter Box.(Borna Virus) I'm getting off this soapbox. Chase this track of knowledge yourself. Fascinating...