i'm 32 yrs old. i've had hives for almost 3 yrs on and off. first it started on both my inner thighs. it came back a yr was on my side a little. where your top arm is to where your stomach is. it was just a little bit on my side. it came and went. just like my thighs. now it moved to my legs on the inner of both my legs. now i get a little bit on my side sometimes. but now its on both of my hands and feet. they burn itch. it comes and goes like every other place i had. but why does it travel from top to bottom.i have felt hot at work once in a while, i think its a small hot flash. my throat hurts too like its swollen.what does this mean? my dad said he had it when he was in his 30's. he said go see doctor. i did i dont want pills. cause theres too much out there everyone is allergic too.or might make u worst or gives u more problems.can anything help me like lotion.i must be eating something to make me get my body to start with hives? could it be cause my dad had, now its my turn to suffer, but my sister does not have it or my mom or anyone else in my family. my dad said his hives went away after a few yrs never came back. please write me back someone.