If you have a kidney infection your lower back would hurt (where your kidneys are) and you would have a difficult time producing pea- and when you do its very yellow. Can you check your own temperature? That is a sure sign of infection if it is above normal. Do NOT let it go to the point of fever. If you do, your only hope is antibiotics. In the meantime, avoid sugar of any kind- including alcohol. Drink clean clear spring or distilled water with a little lemon. If you have acsess to a natural foods store, get some marshmellow root and make some tea and drink it 3 times a day. Do more research on your own for homeopathic remedies if you want to avoid a doctor visit. But you must realize that this is a major organ and you don't want to mess around. At the first sign of high fever you must seek a doctor for antibiotics. Good luck.