have she had a bad experiance ? is she saying that she hears or seeing things ? my son went thru that..i stayed with him for awhile and left his nite light on..also now i took him to church and made him see that someone is always watching him and no harm will come to frist i gave him his own rosary and placed it around him ..that did the trick and he sleeps peadcefully, i dont know what religing u r in maybe that can help or have a dr. talk to her..noone can say she'll grow out of it cuz ive seen that it can last longer then 8 yrs old..ask questions, see what she tells you. i know what u r going thru. mine now since his dad and i r seprated when i have to go some where he believes im not coming back. now i have another issue but talks with a child and make em feel safer did the trick with me..good luck