Fibromyalgia isn't considered an autoimmune disorder. The most important thing to do is to regulate your sleep and start deep breathing and stretching exercises several times a day. I use Amitriptylene a few hours before bedtime to encourage a deeper level of sleep, then Sonata at bedtime (lasts 4 hrs, but gets you to sleep) I use a room air conditioner to keep it very cool and provide white noise) If I sleep well, my pain is much better. The other thing that helps is extra Magnesium. I just take Milk of Magnesium tablets (not Capsules) 2 in the morning and 2 at night-I chew them. See what you can tolerate at first-they can act as a laxative. Start slow. The other important thing is to talk to yourself when you start to get upset about something and see things logically, not emotionally. You have to break the loop of thinking that everything is catastrophic. (At least I did) I think it calms things down. When you can, start brisk walking a little bit each day. This is a disorder of a de-conditioned body. Getting more fit actually makes things better. Good luck. When you have a lousy day, just chill out and take care of yourself.