This is a condition related to Celiac Disease. Have you been tested for this? It is a total intolerance for gluten(the protein found in wheat,rye,oats, and barley). They is a blood test to screen for this, but the only sure way to diagnose this disease is a painless prodecure called an endoscopy where they can view the small bowel and take a biopsy to definitivly dianose it. If you are interested, there is information on the web about Celiac Disease, and if you contact "Friends of Celiac Disease Foundation" on the web they will send you lots of information. Although I have not suffered from dermatitis herpetiformis, I do have Celiac Disease and am very aware of many, many local support groups. I do not know where you live, but the National Association or Friends of Celiac Disease can put in in touch with a local group. The support groups offer a host of information and guidance. Feel free to email me should you have any questions. But please, ask further questions of your doctor once you get this information of Celiac Disease, and see if you can be referred to a gastroenterologist for further testing. There is no cure for Celiac Disease, but there is treatment thorugh avoidance of gluten products. This will help you avoid going through more discomfort and other problems.