i worked in rehab for many yrs with the elderly and as for them they fall into that pattern as you get older, my question and what time is her last drink before she goes into bed, drinking something rite before she goes to bed you should stop try at least 3 hrs before she goes to be, then when its time , have her go to the bathroom,do that everynite. as a nurse i hadd my pts go to the bathroom every 2 hrs til they can hold it longer, we had them go before breakfast, after lunch and the before they go into bed, and make my rounds during the evening hrs, its a task cuz i had 60 pats. in a unit and i can tell you it paid off, but as for a child have her in a routine,i dont know if she developed this suddently, but u know children develope there bladder late too, my son i got him potty trained after his first birthday cuz how i learned so much and it a habit of mine but it worked...have you taken her to her dr., and rule out anything?? well i hope this help you somehow,try setting her up for scheduling and when she goes to school talk to her teacher as well, let them know maybe 3 hrs instead of 2 while in school, once she knows that she is on a schedule, she will automatically go on her own.. let me know how its going with her.