I have news for you! The same thing has happened to me several times and put me on crutches. It would go away after a while and felt like a bad sprain. No Doctor knew what it was. Recently I moved to the Houston area. I was forced to go to a new Rehumitologyst and I explained all the things I was being treated for. Fibromyalgia for one and osteoarthritis for another. Exrays never showed any deteriation in knees or hip joints, but some in the spine. This new doc says, have you ever been tested for GOUT? I say the urine tests are normal. So, the very next attach that involved my foot which the onset was sudden, and of course on a friday, {can't get in to see her] I call because I'm desperate I can't walk to the bathroom, Vicidin does nothing for the pain.etc. ice nothing. She calls a prescription in for Colchicine.06mg. The directions were one every hour until the pain stops or I get Diarrea{?} I took five pills over five hours and the pain went away, and then I got the diarrea. But THE PAIN WENT AWAY! the doctor said that it had to be gout because colechicine would have no affect if the pain was caused by something else. Talk to the doctor, if all else fails a trial run of colchcine will not kill you AND maybe help. The bad news is, it can come back again and again. Gout is another story read up on it on this link. I'm still trying to learn more about it. I thought only men got it in the big toe! HA!