I used to suffer from terrible dry eye. All the ointments, lubricants and drops never made a difference. I had at least 12 punctal plugs put in, which helped, but they continually fell out. I also had my ducts cauterized (a hellish procedure to endure!) and that opened up. The product that worked like a miracle for me is a natural supplement called Moistur-Eyes by Carlson Labs (obtained in your health food store). I know many others who also suffer from severe dry eye and this product has had only minimal results with them. Also you can try flax seed oil or flax seed supplements. Another product called Hydro Eye has also been shown to help others with dry eye. I know this because i have an eye disease which one of the main symptoms is dry eye and I have met many others on the net with the same disease and we all have suffered terrible dry eye. I wish you success with this and you may email me if you wish. Just type "dry eye" in the subject line. I know how you must be suffering!