Have you asked your opthomalogist about plugs? They are tiny, tiny plugs that are put into the hole at the end of your tear duct. If you look in the mirror and pull the bottom part of your tearduct area down, you will see a little hole, this is where the tears drains into the sinus area. I also have this conditon, caused from another disorder I have, but when drops didn't work my opthamalogist put these plugs in and it made all the difference in the world because the plugs will help keep your eyes moist by plugging up that little hole. It is an out patient thing, is painless, takes 5 min. and the plugs should last about 2 years. Good luck! I know this can be very painful at times, I hope you'll ask your doctor about it or go to a specialist, even a neuoropthamalogist who can help you with this. Tina