I started taking Bacal in May - for my cholosteral. Three weeks ago I was at my doctor's telling him how much pain I was having in my legs, arms, neck. I just ache - and it progresses to pain. Numbness and tingling also. I feel weak and feel like my legs are going "to give out". Never had this before - just regular aches and pain that come with being 50 something :) Now my medication - Bacal - has been recalled and it's because it "can cause a muscle-wasting condition"!! Does anyone else know about this??? The doctor can't say it's all in my mind because I heard Bacal was recalled! I was in his office with the above symptoms three weeks before it was taken off the market!! Picked up new medication today - Pravachol. Does anyone know if this "muscle wasting condition" is ongoing or will it go away? I am so tired of hurting everywhere. Anyone on Bacal - stop taking it - my doctor said to stop taking it IMMEDIATELY. Any info from out there would really be appreciated. Thank you!