My daughter also has Hypermobility EDS (HEDS), and has had frequent dislocations of various joints. She asked for braces for her legs back when she was in high school but the doctor wouldn't prescribe them because he didn't want to spoil her looks! At any rate, after she got married, she found another doctor to prescribe them for her, and they have been wonderful. She can get around almost normally now. I suggest that you ask a rehabilitation orthopedist about getting some for you, and for your daughter. If you aren't sure what doctor to start with, you might see if the nearest orthotics/prosthetics maker would tell you of a doctor you might be able to see. Also, you might like to join our mailing list in Yahoo groups, Edsers. It's small, and meant to stay relatively quiet so you don't get oversaturated with mail. If you want a busy list, there is the CEDA list on Yahoo also, as well a couple of others. Good luck!