Dear friend: Just read your message and I was wondering if you ever considered consulting a naturopath (there are many good ones) there might be something that you miss in your body (vitamins and so on) I know that alternative medicine can help relieve pain, like massages or acupuncture all these oriental medicine are getting more and more popular because people are tired of being given pills that have side effects. Antidepressent are not really that good for the body. I know it because a person I know takes them and she stopped it because she felt all weird. Did you try another doctor? Your health is worth it. If you are not satisfied with the results, go get a 2nd and if needed a 3rd advice. That's what I just did today. I had seen two doctors who wanted to do mastectomy to me because I was diagnosed DCIS in the breast. I was not satisfied with the answers they gave me. Well being that it was MY BREAST and that that type of cancer was not envasive, it gave me time to consult another specialist, a good old doctor of 60 years old who only does breast surgery and he told me NO YOU DONT NEED A MASTECTOMY, we will first try to get your margins (tissus inside your breast, negative: free from cancer cells by cutting them) and then we will give you radiotherapy. He really reassured me. Could you imagine if I would have gone for the 1st or 2nd advice. I was not convinced in my heart that this was the right thing to do. I am 52 years old and I have faith in God and trust Him. I hope this little testimony will help you. I will pray for you. God bless you and may He guide you to the right doctor for a relief in your body and mind.