dear jenny. youve probally already got a message like this. your dr is right its a virus, it,s herpes, oral herpes. I have had genital herpes for many yrs now, to where i never get soars and havent in yrs. there is a great chat room i go into, ive made good friends but i like to give support, i came in here looking for herbs to find. but i usually just take vitamin C to keep my immune system strong and i have no problem with it plus ive had this 19yrs and after youve had this virus for yrs it does get better, but you have to of came in contact with it from a partner you have been with, but to get them that bad as you described, think you should get on some sort of medison with a combination of vitiman C, go to the chat and tell them your new there! and chaney sent you. take care and its not that bad try the chat for support just type and click on chat, maybe ill see you in there. dont worry theres lots of medison today. take care