I've suffered with canker sore outbreaks since childhood. I've always heard that stress causes them, my worst outbreak being 17 of them during my senior year in high school, so this would check out. While avoiding high acid fruit like oranges seems to help, the ONLY relief I've ever found during outbreaks is Orabase-B over the counter (be sure to get this exact one with the "B"). Not only does it provide pain relief through a protective analgesic coating, but it has a medication in it to help them heal quickly as well. I consider it a wonder drug after all the years of alum and Dr. treatments. My understanding is that canker sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus,the same virus that causes fever blisters. My sisters and mother always got the fever blisters, I got the canker sores. Go figure!. At any rate, good luck. Canker sores are miserable and I sincerely hope this will help you.