It sounds like you have an elevated liver function, probably brought on by the medication you are taking. This happened to me a couple of years ago. A doctor put me on Neurontin (anti-seizure med) and Disipramine (anti-depressant) for pain management. I started to feel crummy. I told him, but he only increased the dosage! I went to my internest, and he drew blood and urine to test for other possible problems. He then sent me for a liver scan (just an ultrasound - piece of cake!). I knew it was the medication that was making me feel so bad - I stopped it immediately, and didn't wait for the test results. Of course, when they did come back, it showed the liver problem. I had to repeat bloodwork for a few months, and eventually the levels went back to normal. However, I still have pain, and I am waiting to see a 3rd specialist, who I hope will have an alternative to the anti-seizure meds offered by the first two doctors. Good luck!