Donna Mirabile
You most likely have chronic fatigue syndrome. Symptoms include elevated liver function, profound fatigue, muscle aches, chronic sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and cognitive impairment to name a few. Your doctor should check the following: natural killer cell count (which will probably be low) IgG Subclasses (which will probably be low) You may want to get a PET scan of your brain as well. Have him run a check on your epstein barr virus titers. They will most likely be high. For more information about Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, please go to They have a lot of good information. You MUST find a doctor who knows how to teat CFIDS if you have it. If your doctor simply says "There's nothing we can do" or worse, has you try to EXERCISE (because people with CFIDS must not exercise, it makes them worse), then find another doctor as fast as youcan. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Thanks. Donna