From what I've read, a gangloid cyst is benign, meaning non-cancerous and is a jelly like sac between muscles,tendons, tissue, etc. Did your husband had it removed? if he did, what did the doctor say? Does he think it may recur somewhere? You should ask the doctor, not ask on this board as we are not doctors. We can help with simple problems like migraine or yeast infection but questions on gangloid won't be answered here because 99% of all readers of your post will not know what gangloid is. I just happen to know because I have a swollen area in my calves and have had it for over 18 years. I assume it is gangloid, researched it in medical books and concluded my problem was gangloid. It hardly bothers me at all and if I didn't conciously feel the swollen area, I wouldn't know it was there. Unusual thing is, many times it feels so soft and almost normal while other times it seems to feel harder. Take care.