I was recently diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus, severe and erosive gastritis and duodenitis. My gastroenterologist told me that he wants to check it in two years. That concerns me! Two years seems like a long time when you have Barrett's... My symptoms have been worse since the endoscopy. I am taking a probiotic formula and acidolphilus and Protonix. I am trying to eat more foods that contribute to an alkaline system and have eliminated soft drinks from my diet. Since sugar is acid producing, I am trying to avoid most white sugar products. I love peanut butter, but have given it up - at least for a while - due to the gastritis. I am trying to learn more about Barrett's... I eat very little meat, which is acid producing. I am trying to eat earlier in the evening and won't lie down until for at least 3 or 4 hours after I eat. Any information posted here would be appreciated.