First of all, I have had dry eyes for a year and a half. What has helped me the most is to have punctum plugs put in my tear ducts. Ask your doctor about them. For myself regular eye drops don't help. So I use Refresh PM, its an ointment, it stays in my eyes much longer. It does cause bluriness for a little while, but just keep it in for 5 minutes and it should clear up for you. Next I recommend taking Dale Alexander Cod Liver Oil. It contains Omega-3 Fatty Acid. It helps protect your eye from becoming dry. Make sure any of the eye drops or ointments you use are preservitive free. If you experience a kind of "goo" around your eyelashes you may have conjuctivitis. I don't know much about it, since I don't have it, but I understand that it causes you eyes to become very red and irritated. Email me directly if you have any more questions.