I have been dealing with the same situation since February, they cleared up once I took prednisone for a month, but the minute I stopped they came back!!! I am now taking (morning) 1 singulair, Tagamet, alegra and 1 hour later 1 efedrine every 6hrs and doxepin three times a day.. I feel like I am popping pills all day long and they are not cleared up!! Not as bad but I still have them. They move from place to place every week. I now have them on my lower leg back/front. I also layed in the sun this past weekend, but they did not get worse.. (thank god) anyway I am hoping now that I am also taking a thyroid medicine Levoxil that they will clear up.. I read on the internet that they usually clear up in wks after startng the thyrod medicine.. It is now two weeks... Anyway let me know how you make out email me at momfernandes@aol.com