If she has the rash you need to get her to the doctors ASAP! Lymes Disease if left untreated can have some SERIOUS consequenses!!!!!! I had it last year! The rash can take up to 30 days to appear. I live in Florida but was bit in Mass. I never saw the tick or anything. I just felt ill, but didn't know why??? Then I thought it was just a sinus infection, so the antibiotics I was given were not the ones that would do anything for Lymes disease. I went away again...It moved into my joints while I was gone and caused a stress fracture in my rt foot. Let me tell you that a broken foot HURTS!! Swelling joints HURT!!! When I got back and was finally tested I had it so bad that I had to remain on antibiotcs for 6 months in order bring the titers down. Antiboitics do help. they are stronger than normal. But without them I belive Lymes can lead to organ damage as well as the joint problems I experienced!!! I also had chroic fatigued while I was sick. I literally could NOT stay awake for weeks at a time. get her checked out ASAP!!!! Kimb