Donielle Clements
Your not alone. My son Peyton had died from the same thing and was over 20 days old. It was a night mare. I cant believe that the doctor didnt give me any antibiotics or medication for it, but now I have educated myself and it seems to be a number one killer today, especially in children.I now am a greiveance counselor and went all through school to get my certification. I understand what you went through. I am now having a walk for meningitis in New Jersey and a big breakfast and all proceeds and money will be going to the research lab in childrens hospital of Philadelphia PA. Thats where my son finally passed away. They were very good with him and myself and educated me very well on this subject. There are alot of children that are dying from this terrible disease and it has to be stopped some how. I was told that my son got it from the air, I dont think so, but then again i'm not a doctor. But sometimes we know whats best for our children. I was told by the doctor at childrens hospital, that I should go with motherely instincts, when my children are sick that I should bring them to the doctor whether they want to see us again or not, if that doctor doesnt seem to care, then thats when I go to childrens hospital to find out. I dont listen sometimes to the doctor, sometimes they can be wrong they are not miracle workers and they dont know it all, but I just wanted to touch base with you and tell you that your not alone. Thanks! Donielle Clements of New Jersey If you would like to speak with me about it, you can reach me at my office at 856-293-8199.