My 23yr old daughter has been diagnoised with cystic breast disease. After several visists with doctors and an ultrasound they have decided to send her to have a mammogram. This procedure was in question for some time due to her age. During further self exams she noticed several more lumps than before and once checked by the doctor he discovered more than she herself felt. However these lumps are only in her left side breast none in right. He recommended stopping caffiene and eliminating salts in addition to taking vit E and D. He also mentioned her chances of developing breast cancer were 6 times greater than the normal female. My question is there anything else she should be doing? Isn't this unusual for a 23yr old who actually was 19 when she first noticed the lumps, compared to the ages I usually read about cystic disease? And could not wearing a bra actually help even though she doesn't appear to have much discomfort? Concerned Mother