hi. on your question for your friends neck surgery. I too am 44, have always been very active and have recently had this surgery. The surgery sounds alot worse than it really is. The Dr. took a piece of my hip and went thru my neck to replace the disk. The only real sore spot was my hip. That has been ! month ago. I am still weary of hurting myself, but am getting stronger everyday. Oh, sure.they can give ya pain medicine for the pain, but then you could turn into a dope head. I can see where that would happen. Heck, when I was taking the pain killers, I felt like I could do cartwheels. Please tell your friend, that I wish her alot of luck in her decision, as I know it is a toughie. But, with the surgery, she will be on the other side of the hill and on her way to a good recovery. But still, the decision is hers and her doctors.