mrs. s
my 13 month old son recently tested positive for multiple food allergies after going into anaphylactic shock and having to be rushed to the emergency room just in time.... since the initial ER visit, we have followed up w/ our pediatrician, his recommended respiratory specialist (for the blood tests), and are now waiting to see our pediatrician again, after having seen the resp. spec. only to get the test results. I haven't gotten much information from either doctor yet, the most i've found out has been through books i've purchased, and websites/articles on the internet. Needless to say, i'm still very stressed over everything i give my son, because i am still not sure exactly what caused the anaphylactic episode, possibly peanuts, or eggs, it's still hard to tell, because i gave him some bites from my omelette breakfast (ordered in from a local restaurant), his dad gave him butterscotch & choc. pudding, and he played on the living room floor, where his 6 year old brother could have been eating numerous different snacks in the 2-3 days since being vaccuumed (it's definitely hard to see anything in our carpet). By the way, my son has been bothered by eczema since his 3rd/4th month. What I would like to know now is, how much iGe level is too much to keep a child on a certain food? Although my son tested positive for Milk Allergy (not lactose intolerant) (and also, not allergic to Casein), the resp. spec. advised me that I could keep him on his whole milk, -he tested 1.19 KU/L (231 %) for Whole Milk- . I had already put him on soy before being given this advice, and he seemed to be doing better with the eczema, so even though we are dairy farmers, i still have kept him on the soy. His skin is looking alot better! Many other things have been eliminated from his diet (my own decision, on some) including wheat (14.50 KU/L - 1894 %). I was told that I didn't need to remove anything under 300 % on the blood test from his diet.I have. I just feel more secure doing that. That is my concern, I want to give him foods that he has tried & liked. He was hooked on mac & cheese!! :) I would just very much appreciate ANY feedback that other parents or people concerned may have. Thank You.