My daughter was diagnosed with Raynauds Syndrome when she was 11. Hers was mostly in her hands. She had symptoms that occurred mostly when she got cold or was under a lot of stress. Then her hands would turn pasty white and feel very cold to her, and to us. This was explained to us by her doctor that it is a neurological problem. The nerves controlling the blood vessels would seizure and shut down blood flow. He told her to stand and "windmill" her arms to help blood flow to return by centrifugal force. This helped A LOT but she was somewhat embarrassed to do this at school. As she grew older she had fewer severe episodes. She always remembers to have very warm gloves with her though. This syndrome can be much more severe involving more areas. Really severe cases that are quite painful can be treated by surgery to cut the involved nerves, but this is quite drastic. Good luck.