Rosemary, I am 22 years old. I live in the midwest of the US. 14 days ago I found out that I have PCOS. And that I had a cyst the size of a football connected to my right ovary. I have undergone surgery to have it removed. The surgery went well and the doctor drained as many of the cysts that he could on my other ovary. My doctor has prescribed that I take Yasmin birthcontrol. It came out on to the US market 3 weeks ago. He said that it is the most beneficial treatment for me because I am young and would like to eventually have a family some day. Yasmin will also reduce the size of my cysts and hopefully prevent new ones from growing. I also have an excessive amount of body hair. My genetic history also provides me with looking forward to heart disease and diabetes. I will be undergoing a battery of insulin tests next week to determine if I also have syndrome X. It is a metabolic disorder. It means that my body is resistant to insulin. I am also over weight and have had little result as far as dieting. Hopefully my insulin tests will help explain my condition more thoroughly. I hope that I have helped you in some way.