Is this your child?? Im very sorry to hear of such a awful thing happening to a little girl. My son was given a diagnosis of Viral Encephalitis 3 yrs ago, Im not saying this is what she is experiencing but my sons first symptoms were chronic headaches, then he begun to hallucinate and then came seizures. The Doctors couldn't tell us anything because his tests all came out pretty much normal, with some infection showing but none to point out. He had numerous lumbar punctures, MRI, EEG's and all showing some abnormalities but nothing very bad. He was treated for all kinds of odd diseases and viruses, from cat-scratch to metabolic disorders. We don't know what caused his sickness to this date but after 3 yrs, we have a wonderful boy that went through one heck of a sickness and recovers still to this day. I think you should keep searching, I don't know where your located but we had our son in children's hospitals 2 of them, he went to 4 in all until finally a Doctor believed our son was sick and admitted him. You have to keep on searching and searching, you don't want this to progress. My son symptoms begun in October and by the end of Nov. he was no longer our son, this virus was wiping him out! Please keep searching and admit her if you have to.. May God be with you and her..