sue davis
I know how you feel I started going through early menapause at 29, but I was lucky enough to have already had three children, the doctors have started me on the pill but it is not working my biggest problem is my hair is falling out and they cant stop it has any one else had this symptom and if so what did they do to stop it. I am sorry for the lady that hasn't had children it makes you cross when doctors don't believe you when you tell them the symptoms they are ready to tell you that it is stress without doing test, because of our age. If I was you I would go find a more understanding doctor that can give you options. I hope everything works out for you because it is really scary to start going through at a early age and it is hard to explain to your friends when you are standing there with a fan on you to cool down while they have jumpers on because of the hot flushes anyway good luck with your search to stop this and have a family of your own