I suffered with migraines every two weeks for 6 years (my first pregnancy is when they started). They came on after a car accident, which I never had checked out at the time. I turned to chiropractic and found out I had 3 sub-luxated discs in my neck. After a round of adjustments the migraines disappeared. For awhile I had the classic migraines (visual disturbances but no headache) and then nothing. I've been migraine free (touch wood) for 15 years. I was however, on Elavil also at the time, so I'm wondering if there was a correlation. You would think once I stopped taking the Elavil the migraines would have come back. I am on other anti-depressants though, so maybe they do the same. I don't know what to think now, I figured all these years the chiropractic adjustments ended the suffering. Anyone else with a similar situation?