My daughter, age 9, has an obsessive sensitivity to the way clothes feel. She often cannot get dressed because it "hurts too bad". She has missed a lot of school and cannot participate in normal social functions with her friends. She also has a lot of anxieties and physical complaints and is scared to be alone. Her problems have "consumed" our household and greatly restrict our ability to do normal things such as travel, socialize, vist family, go out to eat, movies, etc. She is being seen by a psychitrist and we are now trying our 4th medication (first Paxil, then Prozac, Klonipin, now Zoloft). I am also going to take her for an OT evalution. My 8 year old son has Tourette's Syndrome, so I feel there must be a neurological connection. I would just like to know if there is anyone else out there with a similar problem. I've heard of kids that have problems with "itchy tags" and such but not to such a degree that it is so "life-limiting". Please help! Is there light at the end of the tunnel?