Mary Brisland
Hi there. I felta great dealofcompassion for you when I read your e-mail.I am arecovering alcoholic - I am 37 years old.I am an American ex-pat and I livein England and Germany with my best friend and husband and 2 year old daughter. No one could tell me that I had a problem drinking.I had to decide it for myself. I think that you have to realise this. However, when there is a child involved, perhaps it is best that you seek help with Social Services or Al-Anon to decide what you should and should not do. I was admitted to hospital on December 2, 2000. I was a bloated mess. I almost died from acute pancreatitis. However I am still alive today. The girlyou have written about really should stop drinking. She is in denial. Itdoes not matter how much you drink - if you experience adverse consequences your body is trying to tell you enough is enough. Although I may sound as if I speak contradictions, she has to realise the problem within herself. Perhaps a qualified individual could help you with an intervention.These have a high success rate as the alcoholic individual is forced to listen to their family and friends tell them what they are doing to 1) the family and 2) themselves. I have been through hell and back as well. My life is not a bed of roses. I have been abused in a sexual manner.I am also disabled. However, the fight has become a lot easier since I admitted that I was powerless over drinking. Please e-mail me if you wish. Lots of hugs and prayers.