My daughter was diagnosed with Dysplasia at the same time she found out that she was pregnant with her second child. Had she started treatment at that time, there was the possibility of aborting her child. She opted to wait until after the baby was born and prayed for a healthy baby and safe delivery. Prayers were answered. She knew that she was not going to have more children, so she started procedure ASAP. The Cone Biopsy was done along with freezing the area. She continued with whatever treatment and follow-ups were necessary. Her baby will be three 11/14/00, and her tests have been clear for over a year. She made the right decision. If you decide on a partial hysterectomy, removing the uterus may not solve the problem, since it is cervical. At least talk to your doctor about doing the cone biopsy and treatment as priority and the hysterectomy as secondary surgery. Good Luck.