I was recently diagnosed with Meniere's after an 11 hour vomit spree that landed me in the hospital. I seem to have all the classic symtom's: temp. hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, and (my personal favorite) vomiting. This has been going on for a month now &, while I was functional last week, this week is like revisiting old memories. I'm having a real problem adjusting to my new lifestyle & am wondering how other folks cope. I'm trying real hard to be positive about all this, but my sense of humor is being sorely tried. I'm taking a diuretic &, since I never have had caffeine or much salt in my diet (so much for being healthy), I have reduced my salt intake to about a gram per day. No results yet. I'm also taking Meclizine when I feel dizzy (constantly for the last 3 days) and have a scopolamine patch for emergencies. I sure would like to hear from anyone that can tell me things they've done for relief - physical or emotional. Forgive me if I seem to be making light of this but I'm trying to keep a smile on my face, which you know is pretty tough with this disease(which is nothing funny) PLEASE email me: I need your help and experience!!!