Trez Chipps,RN
I too am suffering with this.I have had this for 15 years due to a horse threw me through a fence.The pain is so unbareable at times and now they want to fuse my back.I take so much medicine for the pain and inflammation. I always wear a lumbar support that helps some. I have a inferential unit like a tens,but it decreases the spams in my back and hip. Some people are born with this disease and never have much pain. I have been a nurse for 8years and am having to give it up or try to find a desk job, this is so depressing to me. I do not know whether to fuse or not either. P.S. If anybody finds out anything let me know. Some say fusion was great for them, but some say the back pain is gone, but not the hip pain or inflammed sciatic nerves. I just do not know and am so depressed. I am only 29 and have a 6 and 2 year old to try to chase down and I just can not do much more due to the pain.