My father died from IPF within one year of diagnosis. That was in 1995. I was hoping that more had been accomplished about this horrid disease. Just a couple of weeks ago my Aunt, who was like a sister of my father, was diagnosed with IPF. A week later we were greatly relieved to learn that she was still in the early stages. I did much research in 1994 when my father was diagnosed. Very little was known at that time and this is an absolute new forum for me. As I understand the research in 1994, there is NO CURE. If caught early enough, as in my Aunt's case, progression of the disease can be slowed with medications, extending her life up to 7 years. HOWEVER, most people wait too late to go to the doctor and are in the final stages when they are diagnosed. The prognosis at that time is generally 1 year, on occassion 2 years. Now we are researching again to find out any genetic factors or any common factors that would lead to close family members having this disease. When my father was dying, my Aunt asked his doctor many questions about IPF. One answer was that there is some indication that chicken droppings can play a roll in this disease, that lies dormant for years and suddenly pops up when the person is much older. As a matter of fact, my Aunt(now age 70) and my father(who died at the age of 63--there was a two year age difference), when both were around the ages of 3-7 lived in a chicken breeding house, together. The doctor told my aunt at that time(1995) that it was quite likely that she would have develop IPF in the future. Now that prediction has come true. Are we sure about the chicken connection? No. But we are still looking for information. I have 3 children, for whom I pray never have to experience this painful, debilitating disease first hand. That is all I know at this time. If anyone would like to talk more about this subject, please contact me. Sherie