I too have hyopthyroidism and have for the past 12 years. It was found shortly after my 3rd child was born. I am currently taking .15mg per day of thyroxins but was taking .225 for a short period of time and felt much better. The aches and fatiague were better and my hair seemed to be much healther. I have been loosing hair for so long it is almost normal but I fear going bald. I hate it and maybe the stress is part of the problem. If anyone else has any ideas out there I would sure like to hear them. I tried Rogaine for a while but didn't seem to get results and it was a hassle. Does anyone know the normal numbers for the TSH? I was just checked and was told that my level was 14? What is that? I wish Dr's were more clear on what is and isn't good. Please reply and let me know how your doing.