Hi there. I am on thyroxine .05mg twice a day. Shortly after starting the medicine, my hair began to fall out more rapidly. I am seeing a doctor for depression and she is treating my hair problem. Hypothyroidism can cause depression as a slow or burnt out thyroid affects all functions of the body. Did you ever feel that you were getting too much thyroid medication? I empathize with you as I too feel tired all the time. I don't know if the tiredness causes the depression or the other way around. My doctor is going to give me a blood test soon so I'll know if I'm getting too much thyroxine. I'm on a low dosage, but may be sensitive to it. If that doesn't work, she is going to check my DHA or DHEA or whatever they call it. I believe it is in the stem of the brain. Do you know anything about that? I have had thin hair since I was in my late twenties. Before that my hair was thick. It has always been oily. If you find out the cause or causes of hair loss of this type, please let me know. Thanks, Anastasia